Due to peak season, most of the tickets were sold out and luckily I still manage to buy one on Sunday but at odd hour ... which is 1:30pm. So my family will have to wake up early, then to breakfast and finally fetch them to Pudu because I will still need to take bus at old KTM Railways station. OMG, I couldn't remember how many years I never been there and I heard the railways system still functioning but mainly for cargo purposes. Other than that, it was utilised as mini Puduraya.
This time, I'm trying new coach ... Nice Express. They have their own office within KTM and double storey too. They even have lounge, free WiFi, TV and cafe to serve complimentary hot beverages. It seems a bit better than Aeroline but far cheaper than that ... around RM55+! They do have light meal given, unlike Aeroline with main meal such as Chicken Rice Shop. At Nice, they serve you a small cup of mineral water and some light refreshment. To me, it's still ok because it's half price lower than Aeroline. Bus condition and staff hospitality of course Aeroline is better la (StarMart is hopeless).
On 2nd thought, it's good to leave early back to SG because I was avoid the jam timing and able to home rest early. About 4:30pm, the bus reached Machap R & R and as usual I will go to buy my fruit meal :) It's quite nice but a bit pricey, RM2 per box (the box can be re-use for microwave also). Okla, not doing this everyday, right? After 20 mins later, the journey continues.
Once passed SG checkpoint, the bus that I took had to be replaced with another one because there were some water leakage due to earlier rain. Luckily they have a spare bus there and we get to swap bus without much waiting :)
About 7:30pm, it finally arrived in SG town area and it's quite near Little India (same line with Hougang) so I can just take MRT home ... home stretch baby! Manage to buy 2 filet-o-fish at S$3.50 because my iPhone's app got free promo, also spotted a nearby western restaurant which their food look good and reasonble price too. So I bought a mushroom soup as part of the dinner :)
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