High number of unread emails is one issue, another late surprise is another issue because I was asked to create 200 jobroles and perform mass user assign with my UK partner for 4000 users (mixture of different servers and clients). It must be kidding because it will take a day for creating the jobroles and Sofia also need to perform user validation. So it's basically impossible for us to do so much within a day.
Also, today APAC region has brought up some special request for Global Support ID. They know this has to go to Global but need me to convey the message, really good at Tai Chi. Also brought up so many related complaint points and want me to pass all of them. Am I a messenger or what? Why can't you guys just email them directly? I'm sure the Global team will not entertain me today and I don't even give a damn to follow up today as I really have lots to do.
Also, Monday is public holiday for US, their President's Day. Just because they are not working and need the unlucky ones to do the rest? It seems they really like to plan and disseminate the task at very last minute. Whole day I was sitting in front of the laptop, lunch just 15 mins and work until 8:45pm. That's it, I leave and don't give a damn. I will just try to do my best tomorrow!
Once back to HG's MRT, went to buy KFC then home to eat and watch movie ... also Skype with family ... in order to release tension and calm down myself. Rats, I need to wash clothes too!
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