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Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Get Together Lunch & Coaching Day!

My company recently introduced a self improvement/coaching programme to all affiliates. Since this is free, I don’t have anything to lose by participating it. Today will be the first coaching session with the training, Stephanie Moohan. I was told she used to work with our SAP team but left for starting her own business, a motivator and corporate coach of course. In order to equip her with sufficient information to start our session, I actually submitted a series of questionnaire to her a week ago by telling her my desire, plan and what kind of help I will need from her.

Although the session is 45 mins but 30 mins went passed by breaking the ice and overview discussion about how the training would be, periodically status check, identify my goals and mission statement. Before the session end, she actually play some card games with me which will train to the side of my brain which I hardly use (this is to achieve out of the box thoughts). Basically you need to pick up 3 cards and place it on the board, which a question for each card. She will then ask you to instantly look and think what you see from the card then answer the question. The answer doesn’t need to relate to the picture because she just want to you think and relate the question from that very moment (don’t use your normal logically thinking). Not really a surprise game but something new to know about it.

From the discussion, I like one of the term given to me – G.R.O.W. A simple ‘grow’ word which simple describe human will need to grow but in the other hand, it also have some hidden meaning :-

G – Goal: To set your goal, simple as that
R – Reality: The goals have to be clear and achievable. It should be a short term so that you can achieve after one another.
O – Options: What are the options that enable you to achieve your goals? List all the possibilities without any judgment and evaluation
W – Wrap-up: With all the above information, wrap up the goal and commit the action. Also to identify how to overcome obstables.

Right after the coaching, it’s about time to visit 7A floor, where my new office would be for a team and get togther lunch. It’s not a big day but was a initiative by the HOD for some soft opening of the new office and CNY gathering for the team. Serve with ala carte dishes, fruits, curry bun, cakes, wines and dessert … in buffet style :)

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