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Monday, 9 May 2011

Take a dip and see how luck goes ...

Maybe it’s been a while I didn’t take train because I couldn’t sleep well last night. Due to this, I already know today will be a long and tough and sleepy day for me. As the train was delayed last night, I only arrive at Tg Pagar around 8:40am. Though a bit late but still ok for Monday blues :p

To make the time pass faster, decided to join the gang for long lunch. For today, Ken was craving for Han’s and it’s about 15 mins from office. Food there is quite good but slightly pricey. Like today, I ordered Alfredo set lunch with small soup and small soft drink cost at S$12.80. If dollar to dollar, it’s not expensive because it’s almost like Secret Recipe in KL but with more varieties and bigger customer crowd.

It took me a while to wait ... in fact, I was the last one who get the food
After walking towards the counter, here my food :(
Right after I went back to my cube after lunch, I really feel sleepy and better find something to work on because it’s not nice to let colleagues see you doze off in the office :p

There will be a charity dip on this Friday and each ticket cost S$20. To encourage more people to take part, they actually allocated a prize for each ticket sold and all the money will go straight into the charity. I was told the prize’s price range from S$30 – S$300 and no wonder almost everyone bought one, including me :p Apart of that, some of the top guys donated their paintings and surprising half of them already sold out.
One thing I like about this company is their event/programme are all handled internally and by few rotating team and frequency is quite often too.

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